Who We Are.

SMARTLY Project is a collaboration between eight European Partners from Malta, Luxembourg, Croatia, Poland, Cyprus, Italy, and France.


Jobsplus Malta is the leading partner responsible for coordinating the SMARTLY project. Jobsplus is the national entity for public employment services and provides training to individuals looking to improve their skills and find employment. Jobsplus is also responsible for the enhanced profiling questionnaire for NEETs within the SMARTLY project.

Learn more about Jobsplus.

ADEM is the associated partner for the SMARTLY Project. As the public employment service entity of Luxembourg, ADEM is lending key insights and experience to the project. They have developed strong institutional partnerships and are one of the leads in the implementation of the Youth Guarantee Scheme. They also have in-depth knowledge of labour market mechanisms and relevant regulatory frameworks which will assist Jobsplus in the design of the questionnaire and learning outcomes.

Learn more about ADEM (Agence pour le développement de l'emploi).


ANCI Toscana is the regional branch of the National Association of Italian Municipalities, responsible for coordinating local integration activities. ANCI promotes the development and growth of its region and works to represent its interests. Within SMARTLY, they are responsible for establishing training content for the Digital Jobs Induction.

Learn more about ANCI Toscana.

PoloGr is a fundamental institution for higher and university education, located in the Italian territory of Maremma. Their main objective is to promote university education through different types of courses. They also conduct research and development of training content and assessment and evaluations of training. They are leading the training validation and mainstreaming processes on the SMARTLY project.

Learn more about Fondazione Polo Universitario Grossetano.


MLSI is the Department of Labour of the Republic of Cyprus and is responsible for issues related to employment. They also work to offer protection to special groups in employment, as well as to provide services to job seekers, such as guidance and training. Their key role within SMARTLY is to test the new profiling tool on locals to gauge its effectiveness.

Learn more about MLSI (Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance).

CASE is an independent, non-profit economic and public policy research institution based in Poland. They aim to provide objective economic analysis and to promote constructive solutions. They are also responsible for the Survey & Needs Analysis within the project.

Learn more about CASE (Centrum Analiz Spoleczno - Ekonomicznych - Fundacja Naukowa).


CDE Petra Patrimonia is a cooperative based in the south of France. They support activity projects and business creation and manage works and studies including skills training. Their role in SMARTLY is to formulate training content for the Green Jobs Induction.

Learn more about CDE Petra Patrimonia.

HZZ is a leading player in the development of the Croatian labour market, especially in integrating all labour supply and demand to achieve full employment. Their aim is to assist the labour market by developing high-quality services tailored to their clients’ needs, including effective training and guidance. Within the SMARTLY Project, their main role is to lead the profiling testing among the cohort.

Learn more about HZZ (Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje).