Green and Digital Skills: Catalysts for Combating Youth Unemployment

In today's world, the need for green and digital skills is greater than ever before. With the rapid advancement of technology, more and more jobs are becoming digitalized. This means that young people need to be equipped with the right skills in order to stay competitive and secure employment.

It is a challenging time for young people around the world, 73 million of them in fact, who are considered to be unemployed. According to EUROSTAT, in December 2022, 2.862 million young persons (under 25) were unemployed in the EU. This is an increase of more than 200,000 young people compared with the 2021 analysis. (EUROSTAT, n.d.)[i] A recent report prepared by the U.N. International Labor Organization (ILO) revealed that many factors have contributed to this epidemic including a lack of new sustainable industries for young people to enter into and a failure of governments and businesses to adapt their existing job creation programs to fit the needs of today's workers[ii].

Furthermore, youth unemployment has a cascading impact on society in general, resulting in a greater number of young people facing long-term financial instability post-covid. In many situations, young people are more vulnerable to post-covid financial insecurity as they may not qualify for certain benefits or have the experience required to gain or regain employment. With this comes an increased dependence on social support systems and long-term financial hardship for young people. It is essential to create initiatives that provide post-covid job opportunities for young people, or risk a future of economic instability and disadvantage for the next generation.

The Benefits of Green & Digital Skills

One of the main benefits of having green and digital skills is that they open up a range of new career opportunities. For example, these skills can be used to drive sustainability initiatives in the workplace, create more efficient products and services, or develop new technologies. In Cyprus, The National Coalition for Digital Jobs is the main player working to address the shortage of digital skills. It gives young people, students and young graduates among others the chance to; acquire digital certification; enter competitions in schools for coding, robotics, etc.; gain information for available funding and inspiration for new start-ups from successful leaders in the digital industry.[iii] This helps to create employability opportunities that can lead to a more stable career. Furthermore, having green and digital skills is becoming increasingly important in many job roles and sectors, allowing for greater employability across the board. By having these skills, prospective employees are better equipped to take on new challenges in a variety of sectors as companies look for personnel who are able to employ green and digital techniques.

Additionally, green and digital skills can help companies to better understand their customers’ needs, become more competitive in the marketplace, and reduce their environmental impact. By having these capabilities in-house, businesses can be better positioned to tap into new markets while also investing in the long-term future of their operations. In conclusion, post-Covid companies must ensure they are well-equipped with green and digital skills to stay competitive in the marketplace and reduce their environmental impact. With these capabilities, businesses can position themselves to take advantage of post-pandemic opportunities while investing in the longevity of their operations. Thus, having these skills proved to be pivotal for businesses post-Covid.

Pathways to Employment with Green & Digital Skills

Pathways to employment with green and digital skills can help individuals build a solid career path in the technology sector. By focusing on developing skills in green initiatives, such as energy efficiency and renewable energy, and digital literacy, such as coding and web development, job seekers can gain the knowledge needed to be successful. There is a growing demand for green and digital skills in the job market, and employers are on the lookout for job candidates with these skills. Whether through training courses, webinars, or online articles, there are many opportunities to learn and gain experience in green and digital skills. With the right knowledge of these areas, individuals can open doors to exciting new career opportunities.

Young person using a 3D printer

With green and digital skills, individuals can stay ahead of the competition by having up-to-date knowledge of the latest trends in sustainability and technology that employers are seeking out when recruiting for job openings. Not only will this make them more competitive in the job market, but it will also give them an edge when it comes to negotiating salaries and other benefits. Similarly, equipping youth with green and digital skills can help further reduce youth unemployment as such knowledge prepares them for the job market and gives them the same advantages. Such skills can also be used to help young people develop their own businesses or start-ups by providing them with the necessary knowledge and resources needed for success. Furthermore, green and digital skills can help equip young people with the right tools needed for success in their chosen career paths.

Beyond that, these are the skills that can help young people to gain access to job opportunities in the green economy and areas of renewable energy, sustainable agriculture or, eco-tourism. These can also prove beneficial for prosperity in a tech-driven job market and by investing in these skills now, we can help ensure that our future generations have a better chance at employment success.

Strategies for Developing Green & Digital Skills

The challenge we face however, is to ensure that these skills are accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or financial situation. Governments, businesses, and educational institutions must work together to create initiatives that will equip young people with the knowledge and expertise needed for a successful career in the digital age. In line with the ever-changing needs of the labour market, since 2019, The Cyprus Human Development Authority has been providing ESF Funded programs in digital skills to employees in the private and public and wider public sector, to the self-employed and the unemployed. By providing them with access to these resources, we can help them develop their potential and also reduce youth unemployment. With a combination of education, training, and support from employers, we can help reduce youth unemployment and create a brighter future for our young people.

This could include providing access to online courses, mentorship programs, internships or apprenticeships that focus on developing these skillsets. Furthermore, initiatives such as start-up accelerators or hackathons could be set up to encourage innovation among young people and help them build their portfolios.


In conclusion, investing in green and digital skills can be a great way to help young people get back into the workforce. Not only do these skills help young people gain employment, but they also give them the knowledge and experience they will need to be successful in their careers. Investing in green and digital skills can also have a positive impact on society at large as these skills can be used to create sustainable solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges. With the power of technology and innovation, we can combat youth unemployment and create a brighter future for everyone.

Article written by Antonis Kafouros, Senior Labour Officer at The Department of Labour - Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance (Nicosia, Cyprus).






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